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2023-06-05 17:19:50來源:魔方格


New Year

We call on out friends and relatives, and wish one another happy new year.
我們走親訪友,互相祝賀新年。We ring in the New Year with the church bells.
隨著教堂的鐘聲,我們迎來了新年。We ring in the New Year with the church bells.
隨著教堂的鐘聲,我們迎來了新年。The first New Year"s Eve celebration in Times Square took place in 1904.
時代廣場首次舉行新年前夜的慶祝儀式是在1904年。 Like Americans, the South Korean people also celebrate Christmas Day and New Year"s Day.
和美國人一樣,韓國人民也過圣誕節(jié)和新年。 New Year"s is the Gregorian calendar"s New Year"s, with us it"s the most important holiday; a rip-roaring good time.
元旦可是公暦的新年呀,在我們那兒是最重要的節(jié)日,熱鬧極了。New year"s banquet
新年宴會New Year"s Day is drawing near.
新年馬上就要到了。what"s your New Year"s Resolution?
你的新年愿望是什么?An uproarious New Year"s celeBration.

adj. 新的;現(xiàn)代的;初次的;初見的

That news will keep.
那個消息留待以后再宣布。The venture was new.
這是一次新的冒險。The news was flashed to Washington and then to New York.
這消息被火速發(fā)往華盛頓,然后發(fā)往紐約。"New lords, new laws"
新官新法I have ordered you a new suit [ordered a new suit for you].

n. 年;學年,年度;年級學生;年齡;時期;很久;一年時間

Year succeeds to year.
年復一年。This year is a banner year for crops.
今年是個豐年。Year after year went past.
一年又一年過去了。 Lasting or active through the year or through many years.
常綠的全年或多年都充滿生機 "A snow year, a rich year"
