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2023-09-21 10:49:32來源:魔方格





  The ruler of an ancient kingdom wanted to disprove the statement that the men of his domain were ruled by their wives.He had all the males in his kingdom brought before him and warned that any man who did not tell the truth would be punished severely. Then he asked all the men who obeyed their wives' directions and counsel to step to the left side of the hall. All the men did so but one little man who moved to the right. “It's good to see,”said the king,“that we have one real man in the kingdom.Tell these chickenhearted dunces why you alone among them stand on the right side of the hall.” “Your Majesty,”came the reply in a squealing voice,“it is because before I left home my wife told me to keep out of crowds.”

  古代有一個國王,他想證明他領土內的男人并非像人們傳說的那樣,受到老婆的管制。他把王國里所有的男人都召到跟前,警告說,哪個男人膽敢不說實話,就會受到嚴厲的懲罰。然后,他叫所有聽從妻子的命令和意見的男人都走向大廳的左側。所有的男人都站到了左側,只有一個小個子男人站到了右側。國王說:“看到我們國家里還有一個真正的男子漢,真是令人高興。告訴這些膽小的笨蛋,為什么在他們當中只有你一個人站在大廳的右側。” “陛下,”那人尖聲地回答:“因為在我出門之前,我老婆告訴我不要扎堆。”


  Julie was saying her bedtime prayers. "Please God," she said, "Make Naples the capital of Italy. Make Naples the capital of Italy."

  Her mother interrupted and said, "Julie, why do you want God to make Naples the capital of Italy?"

  And Julie replied, "Because that's what I put in my geography exam!"





  When Jack bowed to someone, he always did it at lightening speed. You shouldn't wait any longer after he has had his head nod. So he was blamed for no manners. Then some warmhearted men taught him, "When you bow to somebody next time, you can count 'January, February, March. until December. Then you can lift your body up. Thus, the ceremony will be perfect.

  The next day, he met his uncle, he did as the men told him. The bow was so long that it made his uncle feel surprised and escaped away soon . When Jack looked up, he found his uncle gone . So he asked the passer, "Which month did he go away?"



  英語經(jīng)典幽默笑話:the important of a second language

  A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog. When the kittens cowered, the cat let out a series of loud barks, scaring the dog away.

  Turning to her kittens, the cat said, "You see how important it is to know a second language."


  英語經(jīng)典幽默笑話:Easy or Not

  Pulling alongside our drive-up bank window, a woman was not happy with her position. So she backed up and pulled closer. Still not satisfied, she backed away and tried again. After five attempts, she finally parked the car and rolled down her window. I greeted her with a simple "Good morning".

  "Good morning," she replied cheerfully. "I'm going to have to use this drive-up all the time. It's so easy!"




  One day in class, the teacher assigned his students to write a composition – If I Am a Manager.All the students began to write except a boy. The teacher went to him and asked the reason.I am waiting for my secretary, was the boy’s answer.


  英語經(jīng)典幽默笑話:A Life for a Life(以“命”抵命)

  The English author,Richard Savage,was once living in London in great poverty.In order to earn a little money he hadwritten the story of his life,but not many copies of the bookhad been sold in the shops,and Savage was living from hand tomouth.As a result of his lack of food he became very ill,butafter a time,owing to the skill of the doctor who had lookedafter him,he got well again.After a week or two the doctorsent a bill to Savage for his visits, but poor Savage hadn't anymoney and couldn't pay it.The doctor waited for another month and sent the bill again. But still no money came. Afterseveral weeks he sent it to him again asking for his money.Inthe end he came to Savage's house and asked him for payment,saying to Savage,“You know you owe your life to me and Iexpected some gratitude from you.” “I agree,” said Savage,“that I owe my life to you, and toprove to you that I am not ungrateful for your work I will givemy life to you.”With these words he handed to him two volumes entitled,The life of Richard Savage.

  英國作家理查德·薩維奇一度在倫敦過著貧困潦倒的生活,為了賺幾個錢,他曾寫了有關他自己生平的故事。但是這部書在書店里并沒有賣出幾本,薩維奇過著朝不保夕的日子。由于缺乏食物,他病得很厲害。后來,由于給他治療的那個醫(yī)生的高明醫(yī)術,他才又恢復了健康。過了一兩個星期之后,醫(yī)生給薩維奇送來了一張討要診費的帳單,但是貧窮的薩維奇沒有錢來償付。醫(yī)生等了一個月后又送來了帳單,但仍然未索回分文。幾個星期之后,他又送來帳單要錢。最后,醫(yī)生本人來到了薩維奇的家中,對他說:“你明白,你是欠我一條命的,我希望你有所報答。” “是的,”薩維奇說,“我是欠你一條命,為了向你證明我對你的診治不是不報答,我將把我的命給你。” 說著這番話,薩維奇遞給醫(yī)生兩卷書,名叫《理查德·薩維奇的一生》。

  英語經(jīng)典幽默笑話:What Was It She Wanted?

  A store manager heard a clerk tell a customer.“No,ma’am, we haven't had any for a while, and it doesn't look asif we'll be getting soon.” Horrified,the manager came runningover to the customer and said,“Of course, we'll have somesoon, We placed an order last week.” Then the manager drewthe clerk aside:“Never, never, never say we are out of anything—say we've got it on order and it's coming. Now whatwas it she wanted?” “Rain.” said the clerk.

  一個商店經(jīng)理聽見一個店員對顧客說:“不,夫人,這會兒沒有,一時半會兒看來也不會有。”經(jīng)理驚恐萬分地跑到顧客跟前說:“當然,馬上就會有的。我們上周訂了貨。”然后經(jīng)理把店員拉到一邊:“千萬,千萬,千萬不要說我們沒有什么——說我們已經(jīng)訂了貨,貨馬上就到?,F(xiàn)在你說她要買什么?” “雨,”店員說。

  英語經(jīng)典幽默笑話:A preacher is buying a parrot 傳教士買鸚鵡

  A preacher is buying a parrot

  Are you sure it doesnt scream, yell, or swear? asked the preacher.

  Oh absolutely. Its a religious parrot, the storekeeper assures him.

  Do you see those strings on his legs? When you pull the right one, he recites the lords prayer, and when you pull on the left he recites the 23rd Psalm.

  Wonderful! says the preacher, but what happens if you pull both strings?

  I fall off my perch, you stupid fool! screeched the parrot.







  英語經(jīng)典幽默笑話:How can I get into heaven 我怎么才能上天堂

  "If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the poor, would I get into heaven?" I asked the children in my Sunday school class.

  "No!" the children all answered.

  "If I cleaned the church everyday, mowed the yard, and kept everything neat and tidy, would I get into heaven?"

  Again, the answer was, "No!"

  "Well, " I continued, "then how can I get into heaven?"

  A five-year-old boy shouted out, "You gotta be dead!"

  “如果我把房子和車賣了,在車庫舉行義賣, 并把所有的錢給窮人,我能進天堂嗎?”我問主日學校的孩子。



  回答還是:“不能!”“好吧, ”我繼續(xù)問, “那我要怎樣才能升天堂呢?”


  英語經(jīng)典幽默笑話:I Want Her to go Nuts

  Mrs. Flinders decided to have her portrait painted. She told the artist, "Paint me with diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets and a ruby pendant."

  "But you're not wearing any of those things."

  "I know," said Mrs. Flinders." It's in case I should die before my husband. I'm sure he'd remarry right away, and I want her to go nuts looking for the jewelry."





  What Are The Two Words?A very nice old lady had a few words to say to her granddaughter.“My dear,” said the old lady,“I wish you would do something for me.I wish you would promise me never to use two words.One is‘lousy’and the other is‘swell’.Would you promise me that? “Why,sure,Granny,”said the girl.“What are the two words?”

  一個非常高貴的老夫人有幾句話要對她的孫女說。“我親愛的,”老夫人說:“我希望你能幫我一個忙。我要你答應永遠不要用兩個詞。一個是‘討厭的’,另一個是‘極好的’。你能答應我嗎?” “噢,當然,奶奶。”女孩說:“是哪兩個詞?”
